[originaltext]W: Jane missed the class again, didn’t she? I wonder why?M: Well

游客2023-07-18  19

W: Jane missed the class again, didn’t she? I wonder why?
M: Well, I knew she had been absent all week. So I called her this morning to see if she was sick. It turned out that her husband was badly injured in a car accident.
Q: What does the man say about Jane?
W: I’m sure the Smiths’ new house is somewhere on the street, but I don’t know exactly where it is.
M: But I’m told it’s two blocks from their old home.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The speakers want to rent the Smiths’ old house.
B、The man lives two blocks away from the Smiths.
C、The woman is not sure if she is on the right street.
D、The Smiths’ new house is not far from their old one.

答案 D
