[originaltext]M: I can’ t believe Ken missed such an important meeting even tho

游客2023-07-16  18

M: I can’ t believe Ken missed such an important meeting even though I reminded him yesterday.
W: You could have known him better by now. He’ s known for taking everything in one ear and out the other.
Q: What can be inferred about Ken?
W: The radio says there may be snow today.  You’d better grab your boots, just in case.
M: I am planning to do just that.
Q: What will the man probably do?

选项 A、Rub his boots.
B、Wear his boots.
C、Buy a pair of boots.
D、Bring some books.

答案 B

解析 本题的考点在于对grab your boots这几个词的准确掌握,选项A、B中的rub和buy都是发音与grab相近,容易听错的词,选项C中的books则是boots的干扰项。如果考生善于思考,听到前面女士说收音机预报当日要下雪的话,应该能推测出她让男士带的是靴子。just in case是个省略句,补充完整应是just in case it snows。