[originaltext]W: Good morning. Complaints Department.M: Yes. I’d like to speak

游客2023-07-14  49

W: Good morning. Complaints Department.
M: Yes. I’d like to speak to Miss Wang.
W: Excuse me, sir. We have a bad connection. Could you speak a little more slowly?
M: I-want-to-speak-to-Miss-Wang.
W: This is Miss Wang speaking. Can I help you?
M: I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint to you.
W: What’s the problem?
M: I’m sorry to have to say this, but the electronic dictionary you changed for me the other day doesn’t work properly, either. I’m really annoyed about it.
W: Would you like me to have it changed again?
M: Oh, no. I’m tired of it. I’m just calling to find out if I can bring it hack.
W: Have you got a receipt?
M: I should have one, but I can’t find it. It’s my fault. Maybe I threw it away right after I went out of the store.
W: That’s a bit complicated, then. If you don’t have a receipt, you can’t have your money back.
M: But I did buy it from your store. What if I can’t find the receipt?
W: I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do. Would you please have another look for it and contact us?
M: I’ll do that. Bye.

选项 A、The man will get repaid.
B、The man has got an apology from the clerk.
C、His money will be returned upon demand.
D、It’s hard for the man to ask for his money back.

答案 D

解析 女士向男士要售货的发票,男士说可能在出商店以后就把发票丢掉了。女士说没有发票就不能退货,然后请男士再找一找。由此可见,男士很难再把钱要回来了。