[originaltext]W: I’m having trouble making ends meet. I think I have to make an

游客2023-07-10  12

W: I’m having trouble making ends meet. I think I have to make another phone call to my parents, and I do hate doing so!
M: I don’t think it would be a problem if you cut down on the clothes you buy.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
M: I’ve got some trouble With one of my teeth. The pain’s killing me.
W: Is this your first appointment with Dr. Wang? Please fill out this card and give it back to me. A nurse will call your name and the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.
Q: Where does the conversation take place?

选项 A、In a restaurant.
B、At a dentist’s.
C、In a hotel.
D、At a railway station.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士说牙痛得厉害,女士告诉他先填登记卡,然后等医生给他看病,因此推断对话发生在牙科诊所。故选B)项。