[originaltext]M: Look, there is a great variety of cosmetic surgery ads.W: You

游客2023-06-24  12

M: Look, there is a great variety of cosmetic surgery ads.
W: You’re making a fuss. More and more techniques of plastic surgery have been used to satisfy people’s vanity.
M: A lot of people now tend to change something about themselves within a few hours or a few days of surgery. Would you like to follow suit?
W: Definitely not. Everyone is different and unique. As the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
M: I agree. Inner beauty is a lot more important than outer beauty.
W: An individual’s personality can have as much influence on their beauty as their physical appearance.
M: Yeah, my best friend in high school was a plain-looking girl but she was adorable and very appealing anyway. She was funny, smart, and even joked about her looks. Basically, she was very confident.
W:[10]My mother is short, overweight, and in her late 50’s. She is also incredibly intelligent and liberal. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever known.
M: Then why do those people accept the notion of cosmetic surgery? It seems that our bodies have now become commodities.
W:[11]Maybe it’s due to the influence and exploitation of the media.
M: That’s it. Media trend plays a certain role in attracting people to spend money pursuing the artificial beauty.
W: Anyway, it is a fact that external beauty will be gone sooner or later. So if people choose cosmetic surgeries, when they grow old, their faces will have wrinkles and all their money will be wasted.
M: That is true.
9. Why doesn’t the woman want to have cosmetic surgery?
10. What does the woman say about her mother?
11. What may attribute to people’s acceptance of the notion of cosmetic surgery?

选项 A、She is still slim in her late 50’s.
B、She is short and unconfident.
C、She has no good figure but is quite intelligent.
D、She likes joking about her body and looks.

答案 C

解析 细节题。女士提到她的妈妈有点矮(short)而且超重(overweight),虽然她已经将近60岁了(in her late 50’s),但是仍然非常英明(incrediblyintelligent),由此可知答案为C)。