William Wrigley Jr.,the American chewing

题库2022-08-02  21

问题 William Wrigley Jr.,the American chewing gum tycoon,once noted that business is built by men who disagree,and that"When two men always agree,one of them is unnecessary."1,notjust in business but also in politics,sports,and the arts,there is no 2 0f real-world examples of successful partnerships that were fueled as much by the 3 0f ideas as by creative tension or discord.Scientific research shows that creativity and innovation can be 4 by reducing team harmony.For instance,a recent study of 100 product development teams found that two common 5 0f team harmony,namely diversity and task uncertainty,were positively 6 with creative performance.7,a review of theoretical and quantitative studies showed that teams are often more creative 8 they have f ewer rather than more resources.Furthermore,teams that are able t0 9 productive task conflict-expressing disagreements,negotiating between different views,and working under a certain amount of tension 10 to be more innovative,11,when teams and organizations enjoy too much harmony,they will gravitate 12 inaction and complacency,13,as Clayton Christensen noted,will 14 decline and extinction.From Kodak to Blackberry to Blockbuster,business schools are spoiled for choice when it comes to examples of dominant market players that were discarded from the top 15 their complacency.Success and happiness pose a bigger threat to businesses than a moderate 16 0f dissatisfaction.Being happy with the status quo is a 17 way to escape creativity.Any significant innovation in the history of civilization was the 18 of dissatis fied minds:people who were unhappy with the current order of things and 19 to destroy the 20 harmony.8选?A.untilB.soC.whenD.unless

选项 A.until

答案 C

解析 本题考查句内逻辑。untll后的情况作为一个时间节点,是主句动作终止的分水岭,如I slept until midnight.(我睡到半夜才醒。),文中“资源更少而非更多”显然不是“有无创造力”的时间节点,放排除A.。unless表示“如果……,就不……”,“如果资源少(不和谐),就不具创新性”这一结论与段落主旨相反.但下文Furthermore(而且)表明其后所引结论(able to.…conflict.…more innovative)应该与本句同向,均为正面论据,故判断D.逻辑有误,同时确定答案为C.。
